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    Welcome On Mobius

    Mobius was created by professionnal coders and passionate people.

    We made all the best only for you, to enjoy great features and design quality. Mobius was build in order to reach a pixel perfect layout.

    Mobius includes exclusive features such as the Themeone Slider, Themeone Shorcode Generator and Mobius Grid Generator.

    Our Skills


    Hi Freelancers!

    I’m thrilled you’re on board with Social Media for Businesses. My goal is to create a flexible, friendly working program that can be accomplished from just about anywhere. As we grow I hope to offer some amazing perks and incentives.

    For each project we’ll be working pretty far in advance.  That means a lot of freedom and flexibility for you. Hopefully we’ll grow to the point where you can take as many, or as little projects as you’d like, but with that said as a freelancer we can’t be the only company you serve unless you make under $500 a year.  You must also be a sole proprietor or even better an incorporated business. Before starting any projects you must complete and send in a  1099 form.

    Here’s how it works:

    On the following tabs I’ve filled out the requirements for each plan.

    • Let me know quickly if you can not fulfil a project.
    • Invoice me for each project as it starts.  I aim to pay you within 2 weeks of invoicing an acceptance or completion of a project.
    • If you have any questions or suggestions let me know!

    All projects are billed by the project not the hours, so the amount of time you spend on them is up to you– I care most about the originality and quality.  I have listed the project by the hours so you can see if you’re going way over hours on a consistent basis- if so, let me know and we can consider raising rates. Together we’ll negotiate your hourly fee.

    We’re looking for creative interesting work– but on a budget.  Click here to see the content creation plan.  All work will go through 2 rounds of copyediting:  yours and another copy editor.

    • One Social Media Update
    • One Cover Photo Update
    • Updates & Support
    • Change content for a different platform
    • Social Media Premium Plan
    • Social Media Pro Plan
    • Social Media Smart Plan
    • Social Media Pretty Plan
    • Sales

    This includes:

    • .25 of copyediting
    • Use a link where possible
    • If the task requires content creation the time will go up to .5 hours

    The includes:

    • 1.5 hours in graphic creation
    • .25 in additional copyediting.
    • Use the following methods and tools for creating content.
    • Add a headline where possible
    • Create a profile picture- preferably with the logo or the main building.  In the case of a real estate agent or personality it will be their picture.

    This includes:

    1 hour with .25 hour of copyediting and suggestions by someone else.  This will probably be done every month. You will have 3 business days to complete this task.

    Steps Include:
    • Identifying ideal posting times
    • Adding all of the content to hootsuite on the correct days and times.
    • Reading through the content, checking the graphics and clicking on the links. This will be done once by you and once by someone else.

    We anticipate that this will take about 1 hour.  .25 hour of double checking by someone else.

    This task includes:

    • Finding out the ideal word count for the new format.
    • Rewording it to sound slightly different.
    • Scheduling the post for a different date.

    This is our most robust project.  Most of the work for this project will be done within a couple of weeks. 14 updates and and images. 1 cover photos.

    3 Hours per month
    This task include:

    • Brainstorming and reviewing the client survey
    • Talking to the client (and taking notes)
    • Putting together what they said into a campaign
    • Flushing out essential posts and content buckets
    • Creating a hashtag and making sure it’s available
    • Creating and copyediting the content for 14 days
    • Assigning days based on the best post days
    • Reviewing the previous month’s stats to pick a direction for each new month

    2.5 hours

    • Graphics for 14 posts with a headline or at least a logo

    1 hours

    • Cover photo graphics with a headline
    • A profile picture

    .5 hours 

    • Copy editing and additional meeting time and collaboration

    .5 hours

    • For revisions.  If there are none this will become a bonus.

    This is our second robust project.  Most of the work for this project will be done within a couple of weeks.

    3 hours per month

    • Brainstorming and reviewing the client survey
    • Talking to the client (and taking notes)
    • Putting together what they said into a campaign
    • Flushing out essential posts and content buckets
    • Creating a hashtag and making sure it’s available
    • Creating and copyediting the content for 14 days
    • Assigning days based on the best post days
    • Reviewing the previous month’s stats to pick a direction for each new month

    2.5 hours

    • Graphics for 168 posts with a headline or at least a logo

    .5 hours

    • Copy editing and additional meeting time and or collaboration

    .5 hours

    • For revisions.  If there are none it will be a bonus.

    This includes content updates only.  Most of the work for this project will be done within a week or so.

    3 hours per month

    • Brainstorming and reviewing the client survey
    • Talking to the client (and taking notes)
    • Putting together what they said into a campaign
    • Flushing out essential posts and content buckets
    • Creating a hashtag and making sure it’s available
    • Creating and copyediting the content for 14 days
    • Assigning days based on the best post days
    • Reviewing the previous month’s stats to pick a direction for each new month

    .5 hours

    • Copy editing and additional meeting time and or collaboration

    .5 hours

    • For revisions.  If there are none it will be a bonus.

    Our smallest package is just cover graphics only.  Most of the work for this project will be done within a week or so.

    2 hours of this task include:

    • Brainstorming and reviewing the client survey
    • Talking to the client (and taking notes)

    1 hour

    • Cover photo graphics with a headline
    • Profile picture

    .25 hours

    • For revisions.  If there are none it will be a bonus.

    .25 hour

    • Copyediting

    Supply an email address that results in a yearly contract:

    • $15 per/month
    • We will be sending out bi-monthly emails to these people.

    Your sales call or contact results in a yearly contract:

    • 10% of every month for the first year

    Sales Pitch


    We’re social media experts with experience in marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and digital marketing.  We have over 2o years of experience and have won marketing awards.


    Social media takes a lot of time, money and energy.  Frequently that the company does not have.  We make it easy for them. An in-house Social Media Manager can cost 52K a year. That’s a 46K savings for your company on our premium plan and that doesn’t even count in carrying costs of a full-time employee.  We’re affordable, fast and professional.  With us you won’t have to worry about social media marketing and results.


    We create savings for you through our content creation process including surveys, and a exclusive process.